Love Made Real believes in the importance of education. It is the only way children and their families can escape the cycle of poverty. Our goal is to make sure that no child in our community at Casa Esperanza is prevented from attending school because of financial need.

School Supplies and Shoes

Although public school in Guatemala is free until Grade 6, schools do not provide any school supplies. Students are also required to wear a uniform. Families must buy supplies and uniforms, or their children cannot attend. For some, this cost is too great and is a barrier to their children getting an education.

Every February, when the school year begins, LMR purchases school supplies and distributes them to those children whose families need help. Where needed, we also provide backpacks and black shoes, which are an expensive part of their uniform.

Sorting School Supplies
Ready for class!
New backpacks
New school shoes


After Grade 6, the cost of school includes a monthly tuition fee. Many children leave school at this point and begin to work in low paying jobs to help support their family. For those families who want their children’s education to continue but cannot afford it, LMR covers some or all of the monthly tuition cost. These higher grades also have more extensive school supply lists, which we try to help with when needed.

English Classes

Two children at Casa Esperanza have been studying English for several years. The ability to speak English in Guatemala greatly expands a person’s job opportunities and potential salary levels. LMR likes to support families’ desire for their children to learn English wherever possible.

Private School

Private school is a highly desirable option for children, as the quality of education is much higher than at a public school. The main reason for this is class sizes – classes in the public system can be as large as 50, compared to 10-15 at a private school.

In February 2024, the owner of Instituto Loma Linda, a private school in Santiago, approached Jorge with an offer to waive the tuition fees for 20 children from our Feeding Centre. This is an amazing opportunity for our children, and also a testimony to the reputation of Jorge and María’s work in Santiago.

Although the tuition is free, the cost to LMR for each child to attend this school is approximately $300 CDN a year. This includes an extensive list of school supplies, a textbook, and their uniforms. These costs have been covered by sponsors who give to LMR for individual children.

Current students at Instituto Loma Linda
A small class size


Students in high school and university usually require a computer for their studies. In the past year, LMR has purchased 4 new computers to give to families for their children’s use. We hope to see this need grow as more children get older!


In February 2024, a 17-year-old, who has been part of our Feeding Centre since she was very young, began her first year at university to study law. Through a generous sponsor, LMR has been able to cover the cost of her tuition for the entirety of her 5-year program.

Ready for university with tuition paid and a new computer

LMR’s Sponsorship Program

In 2024, LMR began a sponsorship program for the educational costs of children attending the private school Instituto Loma Linda. Sponsors receive photos and information about a specific child and donate to cover that child’s expenses.  In the future, we are hoping to increase the number of our children attending Loma Linda. This will mean paying their tuition fees as well as their other costs. It is also our hope to expand this program to include high school and university students who have greater costs associated with their education.